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The Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong (the Board) is established under section 3 of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap. 138, Laws of Hong Kong) to carry out functions in accordance with the provisions of the said Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation.

What's New

Regulation of Medical Gases
List of Certificate for Clinical Trial/Medicinal Test issued related to COVID-19
List of Certificate for Clinical Trial/Medicinal Test issued since January 2022 >>
Application for December 2024 Pharmacist Registration Examinations >>
List of Registered Pharmaceutical Products Indicated for the Treatment or Prevention of COVID-19 >>
Voluntary Continuing Pharmacy Education Programme for Registered Pharmacist >>
Results of the December 2023 Pharmacist Registration Examinations >>
Strengthening Sales Control of Codeine-containing Products >>
Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Becomes ICH Observer >>
"1+" mechanism for approval of new drugs to commence on November 1 >>
Update of Registration Requirements for Pharmaceutical Products containing New Chemical or Biological Entities >>
Launch of Electronic Certificate of Drug/Product Registration on 1 July 2023 >>
Scheduled Disciplinary Inquiry >>
Regulation of Advanced Therapy Products >>
Revised Specified Form of Certificate of Registration of Pharmacists with effect from 1 July 2022 >>
Letter from the Secretary for Food and Health dated 4 February 2022 on Off-label Use of Comirnaty Vaccine on Children aged five to 11 >>
Alert on Drugs >>
Drug News >>