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Supporting Documents For Application

Home> Registration of Pharmacists> Application for Registration> Supporting Documents for Application


In applying for registration, all applicants have to produce the original (with photocopies) or notarised copies of the following supporting documents, together with two passport size photographs (with the applicant’s name printed at the back):

(a) certificate of the degree in pharmacy;
(b) transcript of record of study in pharmacy;
(c) testimonial of practical experience in pharmacy for pre-registration training and/or post-registration practice;
(d) a letter from a person of good standing vouching for identity and good character; and
(e) proofs of identity (Hong Kong identity card or passport).

In addition, applicants who do not hold a pharmacy degree awarded by the University of Hong Kong or the Chinese University of Hong Kong are required to produce the original (with photocopies) or notarised copies of the following supporting documents:

(a) certificate of registration as pharmacist issued by the Board of Pharmacy where registered; or the notification of registration number issued by the General Pharmaceutical Council and the electronic printout of the entry of pharmacist registration with the same registration number shown in the notification of registration number issued by the General Pharmaceutical Council for those pharmacists registered in the United Kingdom;
(b) an up-to-date letter of good standing issued by the Board of Pharmacy where registered; and
(c) current pharmacist practising licence, if any.