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Home> Pharmacy and Poisons Appeal Tribunal> Membership
The Tribunal consists of the following members who are appointed by the Chief Executive in accordance with section 30(2) of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap. 138, Laws of Hong Kong):

(a) a legally qualified person who shall be the chairman of the Tribunal;
(b) a registered medical practitioner;
(c) a registered pharmacist;
(d) a person qualified in pharmacology;
(e) a person nominated by the Director of Health from a panel consisting of persons nominated by pharmacists’ associations;
(f) a person nominated by the Director of Health from a panel consisting of persons nominated by pharmaceutical industry associations; and
(g) a person nominated by the Director of Health from a panel consisting of persons nominated by the retail pharmaceutical trade associations.

The current membership is as follows:

Chairman Mr Jenkin SUEN, S.C.
Members Dr TSE Sut-yee
Dr LAM Pui-san, May
Prof CHOW Yee-kwan, Elaine
Panel Members Ms CHEN, Carina
Mr CHUNG Wing-fai
Mr TAM Po-chun, Patrick
Mr CHAN Tai-fu
Mr LO Yin-cheung
Mr MAN Ka-ho
Mr PANG Hok-ming
Mr YEUNG Chi-fat
Secretary Mr TAM Wing-kin, Jack